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'The world is made up of different individuals.  It's OK to be a different individual'


The best stories get into places that make you see the same thing in a different way. They leave you a slightly different individual. Perhaps it's that which creates parallel universes; what we observe creates our universe, when that changes..... Imagine experiencing life with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, foreseeing outcomes, adjusting accordingly.  Life could end up being very different.

Everyone has different ideas about the same things. Ideas change the status quo. Representing ideas in different mediums increases chances of new ideas. There is a lot of life to interpret, capture and communicate. Each of us, with our different blueprints, do it in a different way. If this appeals and you would like to share your ideas please get in touch.

Lifewalla Author Nina Joshi Ramsey


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'Lifewalla is a story that touches your soul in unimaginable ways''

Sade Adeniran, Winner Commonwealth Prize Africa

'The vividness of the storytelling… felt like watching a film – which I am sure should be made'

Tessa Bell-Briggs, Film and Stage Actor

'Lifewalla [is] a very powerful and unusual story, well-told with a strong voice'

Maxine Linnell, Author

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